Base redesign

The developer of the program is died, so we had to be immediately operational to maintain the application overnight.

(project duration: 1 year)

The challenges of this project was the reactivity and the timeframe requested.
As the developer has disappeared, the software was not finished, nor debugged and no technical documentation existed. We had to adapt to a complex situation : Saisie

# buggy software ; 
# incoherent data ;
# unfinished software ;
# Customer without computer knowledge and having difficulty to project ;
# Difficulties to take decisions or to believe in the software status before having irrefutable proof.

Fiche commune

We have been operating in 2 days and we solved the blocking points in ten days.
The stabilization of the situation has taken 1 year after which we given way to a local developer that we have selected.
Mission realized by Paul



12, rue des Saintes Marie
Phone : + 33 (0) 6 31 73 06 57