[Charts]   Sunburst

# More than 25 types of charts
# Call in one command line 
# Result in JPG image and SVG code 
# New types of charts every year.
# SVG compatible with Web display (SVG 1.1)

Our graph component is used in over 10 countries by dozens of developers and allows you to generate over 25 chart types: Bars, stacked bar, area, line, SP line, pyramid, Kiwiat, pie, donuts, proportional pie , Bublechart, Maps, charts, ...






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You name them in one command line and receive in return the graph image and its SVG code.

 Example d’appel : 

Every year we add new types of graphs, this year we added the graphs "SP Line" and "Proportional pie";

We are at your disposal to evolve and our component and many customers have used this service. If it is a minor evolution, we perform free in the next version of the component; on the other hand if it is a major development, your participation may be required.

The license is elaborated to allow all developers to access to our services :

Prices and conditions
Your turnover Amount of the yearly subscription
Licence 1 (Turnover < 500 K€) 100 €
Licence 2 (500 K€ < Turnover < 1 000 K€) 350 €
Licence 3 (1 000 K€ < Turnover) 750 €

Licences are tacitly renewed, you can suspend your subscription by email no later than 3 working days before the renewal date.

During your subscription period, you can :

 # freely disseminate the component in all your programs and disseminate it as often as you like ;
 # access to the component source code that has been given to you and to a FTP that will allow you to download updates.

The annual fee shall be paid as long as you disseminate software integrating our components. Non-payment of the fee or the termination of the contract prohibited you to continue to disseminate our components

Downloads prices :


Downloads of demos V13, V14, V15, V16, V17 and V18 :

Example of areas where this component is used :  

# Medical,
# Industry,
# Finance,
# ERP,

# Custom development,
# Personal services,
# Sports statistics,

The documentation is available on our Wiki: wiki.bluecompany.fr 

 Access to the Charts gallery 



1, place Bossuet
21000 DIJON

Phone : + 33 (0) 6 31 73 06 57